The Alexander Technique and Mindfulness with Cherry Collins

Tel : 07501 017597
The Alexander Technique : Lessons

Individual Lessons of
The Alexander Technique
(One to One)
Alexander Technique
is traditionally taught individually.
We teach using hands-on touch,
with the pupil fully clothed.
We also explain the principles
and background understanding
so that you can learn to apply the Alexander Technique for yourself in your everyday life.
Small groups 2 - 4 people: It can be helpful to link up with other pupils, observing and supporting each other in learning.
Alexander Technique lessons in Brighton
Brighton Buddhist Centre :
Individual lessons (30, 45 mins or 1 hour)
Thursday mornings 10.30-12.30 (early mornings may be arranged on request).
Monthly group for those with some experience of AT "Alexander Technique and Mindfulness".
A monthly group happens on an ad-hoc basis.
Please contact Cherry for more details if interested.
Workshops and short courses:
Introductory half days
• General principles & practical activity.
• Alexander for mindfulness practitioners
• Alexander for meditators
Introductory 10 week course - with a half term break
if interested in a course in Brighton or Rottingdean areas.
Please ring or email Cherry for details.
Cherry is taking a sabbatical from teaching courses at the moment.