The Alexander Technique and Mindfulness with Cherry Collins

Tel : 07501 017597
Mindfulness and Alexander Technique Course
Saturday mornings 10-12 (With a comfort break)
10 weeks September 26 - December 5 (Half term week October 31)
Online course offered using Zoom only £84.00
Offered in connection with the Rottingdean Whiteway Centre Adult Education & Leisure Courses.
Booking is through the Rottingdean Whiteway Centre www.rwc.org.uk
A practical course for reducing stress and relieving chronic pain. An opportunity to be with others learning skills we can use in daily life for difficult times. Friendly discussion, meditation practices and short activities in the group with home practice between classes.
Alexander Technique principles will be introduced as a complementary skill which strengthens our health & movements. Based on the Book “Mindfulness for Health”
(Winner of BMA award 2014 www.breathworks-mindfulness.org.uk)
Breathworks is an internationally recognised & respected Mindfulness provider.
It will be necessary to buy the course book "Mindfulness for Health, available directly from breathworks £12.50
Other materials available online & via tutor.
We usually meet in person at the Whiteway centre. At the moment I am choosing to offer the course online. We will explore together how mindfulness courses adapt to our new circumstances.
I am flexible about adapting and changing aspects of the course according to what works well online and what doesn't. This is all in accord with learning mindfulness as a strategy for difficulties in life - whether personal or our wider social challenges.
Please contact Cherry to discuss participating
07501 017597 01273 302569
Please email to be notified of future courses dates : info@mindful-living-skills.com

I like to provide a clear structure - but also allow plenty of opportunities for the group to be lively and relevant to the participants in their particular circumstances. So the course outline is flexible - and responsive to how the group develops. We have a mixture of discussion & activities & meditation. Course members come from varied backgrounds and religious affiliations.
A helpful aspect of Adult Education learning is that one can explore ideas and practical approaches in a neutral setting where exploration and questioning is encouraged. I would like to provide the opportunity for people new to these subjects and also some further learning if you would like to follow on from the initial courses.
Testimonials for Mindfulness for Health and Alexander Technique course:
“Great course - did exactly what it promised. I found it is a stepping stone to further self-exploration and practice. Thank you, Cherry”
“Perhaps a little more Alexander Technique practical - I found the physical aspects were most helpful.”
“Very helpful while I was going through a difficult time in my old age. Something I would never have imagined being such a problem at this age."
“Provided a slightly different approach from the previous course I’ve done - in a good way. Would recommend to others.”
“I enjoyed the course and always looked forward to it. Lovely group of people. The experience has opened me up to new paths of exploration & new channels of creativity.
Thank you.”
“I really valued how the Alexander Technique was woven into each session. I feel it really connects the ideas around managing pain (in whatever way it presents) with turning to self-compassionate experience. I have found the course enlightening and grounding. Thank you.”
Two comments on both the Buddhism and Meditation course & the Mindfulness and Alexander Technique course from participants who attended both.
“I got so much out of Cherry’s courses. Her excellent guidance and gentle approach to life was quite inspirational.”
“I found both courses have made me want to “go deeper” into both and follow through with more learning and experience of both Buddhism and Mindfulness/Alexander work. I also enjoyed being able to ask questions and share experiences/ideas/thoughts with others."